Bipolar Disorder: Setting Boundaries

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) has a NAMI’s Family-to-Family Program – a free, 12-week course for family caregivers of individuals with severe mental illnesses. Several years ago, when I had my first encounter with bipolar disorder in my family, I...

Immaculate Conception

From Joe I saw my wife at the “hospital” yesterday, Tuesday. The doctor was supposed to have started her on lithium. I learned that he was unable to do so, because he needed to run a pregnancy test first. I’ve had a vasectomy, and I am 99.99999% sure that my wife has...

Considering Relationship Dynamics

By Joe  In a previous post, “Should I Go or Should I Stay?” I discuss the dilemma that many people face when living with someone who has bipolar disorder. Lately, I’ve been thinking about relationship dynamics and how these dynamics can trigger confrontations....

Should I Go or Should I Stay?

Jill Ravitz recently posted her bipolar story, which caused me to think about my own situation with my wife and our family. Back in 1999 my wife was diagnosed as having bipolar disorder. Within about two years, we were discussing divorce. Bipolar disorder was tearing...

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